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What is the difference between an electronic watch and a smart watch? Let‘s see Jumei manufacturer‘s analysis

Time:2022-11-08 Views:165
Are electronic watches and smart watches of the same kind? In terms of energy supply, there are battery configurations, but the fashionable smart watches are also like watches that can be connected to the data cable for charging. Speaking of the difference between electronic watches and smart watches, it is obvious that smart watches involve chips. There are operating systems, function settings and other functions similar to watches, while the common electronic watches on the market have more LED digital display functions.

Another point is that in terms of price, although many smart watches are compatible with the dynamic and fashionable design of electronic watches, their inner core structure is more complex, and the cost of customization and development will be much higher. Therefore, if you want to order smart watches, you still need to find factories with long experience, such as Jumei Technology, which has turned new production lines into smart watches since the first eight years.

So if you want to know more about what a smart watch is and how it differs from an electronic watch, you‘d better come to the factory for actual survey!


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