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How to Avoid Ten Mistakes in Buying Watches

Time:2022-11-08 Views:295
In any transaction, a wise buyer will measure whether the goods are worth the money. Buying a watch is no exception. The most basic principle is whether it is worth the money. On this basis, there are also some skills and factors worth discussing. Experienced buyers, collectors and middlemen all have their own experiences in this area. However, it is recognized that one of the key points is the seller‘s reputation. It is very important to deal with reputable sellers. In addition to the above basic principles, we consulted some experts in this field and summarized some major mistakes that should be avoided when purchasing tables from their opinions. Of course, we can‘t list all the possible problems in the transaction, but we hope you can benefit from this article and reduce the chance of regret after the transaction

1) Don‘t trust pictures too much

A picture is worth a thousand words, but the picture itself may be confusing. A good watch may not be photographed, and a poor watch may be beautiful in the photo. "If you see a watch from a photo that seems to be very cost-effective, it is often a kind of * *", "If you only see the picture but not the real thing, you‘d better deal with a reputable seller and ask for a return guarantee." He pointed out that "the quality of photos may confuse the real situation of products."

The recognition of table knowledge is the key to buy a table according to the diagram. "If you have a good understanding of the watch in the photo, such as having seen the real thing or other products of the same manufacturer, you will have a spectrum when you look at the picture. Therefore, it is necessary to do enough homework before purchasing."

2) Don‘t just focus on accuracy

3) Just looking beautiful isn‘t enough

Some watches look very beautiful, but they may not be comfortable or beautiful to wear.

Only after a while can you really determine what kind of watch is really suitable for you. You know what you want to buy a watch for, so you can determine which watches you won‘t buy. "So the first impression is very important. If I feel uncomfortable wearing a watch or it doesn‘t look so good, then I will never buy it. This is a trick."

4) Don‘t follow the trend blindly

Just because a watch is "hot" doesn‘t mean you are worth it. There is always something popular at any time, and new things are becoming popular. People follow the trend, hoping to be recognized by the society. Know your true self and buy what you really like.

Businesses warn people not to follow the trend blindly. "Many collectors will buy things that are popular. This is also true when I first started as a middleman. Now I also have some popular things, because people will want to trade. What I want to say is, follow your own heart to buy things. If you are an investment, then at least make sure that the popular goods you buy can‘t appreciate, and you will feel happy when you see it in your collection." The phenomenon of following the trend always exists. At any time, some people buy watches that may not be necessary for them, but it is beneficial for the whole industry. If you buy popular products, unless you just buy and sell them when they are hot, they will not keep their value. Novice is not suitable for investing on the watch. First of all, you should do enough homework and know what you are doing. Many people are too cautious when they buy things based on their emotions.

5) Don‘t be misled by "big brands"

A watch will not keep its value or even appreciate just because it is a "big name" work. Some people think: "I prefer the works of big brands. Unless the quality of the works declines due to the problems of the manufacturer, they are usually easier to sell. It is safer to invest in them, just like buying blue chips. The investment is large, but the safety factor is also high." Others hold different views on this. "If you buy a watch for use, you may not be so concerned about fame. In fact, it may be better for you not to be famous." He thought, "But as a collector, you have to collect famous brand goods, because the value of collection depends largely on the brand reputation.

It is a very contradictory thing to emphasize the importance of famous brands. "Some factories enjoy high reputation, and the quality of their works always matches the name; however, some factories stop working hard after becoming famous, leading to a decline in their standards."

6) Don‘t overestimate the investment factors

If you buy a watch just for investment, you should be realistic about returns. Some watches will appreciate quickly, but most will not have significant fluctuations. If you only want to invest, it is recommended that you only buy famous watches.

Investing on the table does not mean that you can live in peace in the future, but you may invest 50 years of time and energy in this matter. However, if a watch can bring you 50 years of happiness, is it worth your investment? If you buy a watch worth 50000 yuan, it is also a good thing if you can earn a return of 50000 yuan one day. Others scoff at such investment purposes. "Don‘t think about investing in your collection, because you will probably be disappointed. Put your investment in stocks. Only by buying a watch purely for your collection can you really enjoy the fun."

7) Avoid speculation and bidding

"I am always attracted by the hot spots in the auction," someone would say

The best suggestion is that you should set the price yourself. If you know that the price of a watch is 50000, and if it is bid to 55000, don‘t buy it. As the old saying goes, do your homework well. You can call an expert first, or check the history of the watch to determine how much it is worth.

8) Never be forced to sell

9) Don‘t forget to listen to others

It is good to listen to others‘ opinions before making decisions. Sometimes, we will provide users with advice, but it is up to them to decide whether to buy or not. After all, this is their collection. It is advisable to listen to others‘ opinions. Before buying, refer to others‘ opinions. If allowed, ask the seller for permission, and then ask the person who knows the business. But make sure that the person you use your watch to ask for advice is trustworthy.

10) Don‘t ignore the return guarantee

Before you buy a watch, you should try to ask the seller for a reasonable return guarantee. The return guarantee is a favorable solution to the problems of the tables obtained or the wrong delivery. If the reason is right, the seller should be willing to return the money.


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