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Smart watches need to do these things to succeed

Time:2022-11-08 Views:124
Recently, IDC released a market research report on smart watches, saying that the sales of the entire smart watch market declined, and the main reason for this year‘s lower than expected sales of Apple Watch was. However, consumers are still very excited about Apple Watch 2. Apple needs to make some reforms in this product to make it more in line with consumers‘ expectations and needs. Here are five main aspects.

More independent

It is not a good thing that smart watches rely too much on mobile phones. In fact, users hope that they do not have to carry mobile phones, only wear smart watches to exercise or go out. From the new features of Watch OS 3, Apple Watch can already run applications locally, which is a good thing. Of course, Apple needs to further cut off the dependence of Apple Watch on iPhone, including providing independent WIFI or data cellular connection.

The success of smart watches requires the Apple Watch to learn

Improve battery life

There is no doubt that the battery life of the Apple Watch is disappointing. A smart watch that needs to be flushed every day obviously cannot meet the needs of users, which is also the part of the watch that is most unlike traditional watches. If the Apple Watch 2 can achieve a battery life of more than one day, it may attract more users to buy.

Application is easier to use

The application interface of Apple Watch, which is a little like a dense phobia, is not friendly to many users because the icon is too small. In the three Watch OS types, Apple has improved this phenomenon. Users can customize some common applications through the Dock interface. This is a good phenomenon. Apple should probably be more thorough and improve its application display interface.


According to the news, Apple Watch 2 will be equipped with a Facetime camera, which can realize the video call function on the wrist. In fact, this is a function that users like and need very much.

Further enhance the sports experience

Many users use Apple Watch not only because of its brand and design, but also because of its sports function. Its heart rate monitoring level is the most accurate of similar devices in the market. Apple should further expand this selling point, introduce cooler sports applications and functions, and attract more sports enthusiasts to buy.


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